The story begins in Ferrassières, in the heart of Drôme Provençale, not far from Mont Ventoux and the spa resort of Montbrun-les-Bains.
Lavender producers for four generations, we obtained Organic Agriculture certification in 2016 (Alpes control) and now wish to promote our work in a short circuit: Planting, manufacturing and reselling our products directly.
With our boutique in Montbrun-les-Bains, we want to help you discover the love with a capital A of our profession, our passion for lavender, our Blue Queen, and share with you the treasures of our terroir.
You will therefore find a wide range of products from the cultivation of lavender and lavandin: our fresh bouquets in the summer season, dried bouquets all year round, essential oils, dried flowers, but also honey and small spelled from Ventoux, traditional products from our corner of Provence.
Known for their scents and their spectacular fields in summer, lavender and lavandin also have other virtues that we will help you discover through our carefully crafted products...